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更新時(shí)間:2023/12/28 17:10:50         閱讀:207
 ABB Robotics Partners with XtalPi to Build Intelligent Automated Laboratories


ABB Robotics and XtalPi have entered a strategic partnership to produce a range of automated laboratory workstations in China. The new, automated laboratories will boost the productivity of R&D processes in biopharmaceuticals, chemical engineering and chemistry, and new energy materials.


“Our collaboration with XtalPi marks another milestone for ABB’s collaborative robots in the life sciences sector,” said Jose-Manuel Collados, manager of Service Robotics Product Line at ABB Robotics. “ABB Robotics and XtalPi will radically advance lab research and development through automation that works side-by-side with people. By enabling pharma and biotech companies to develop new drugs faster and with less cost, ABB is helping to further research into disease prevention, creating healthier societies. Our new Open Innovation Lab for Life Science and Healthcare in Zhangjiang, Shanghai complements our work at our Life Sciences and Healthcare Lab at the Texas Medical Center Campus in Houston.”

ABB機器人服務(wù)機器人產(chǎn)品線(xiàn)經(jīng)理Jose-Manuel Collados表示:“我們與晶泰的合作是ABB協(xié)作機器人在生命科學(xué)域的又一個(gè)里程碑。ABB機器人和晶泰將通過(guò)與人類(lèi)并肩工作的自動(dòng)化從根本上推進(jìn)實(shí)驗室研究和開(kāi)發(fā)。通過(guò)幫助制藥和生物技術(shù)公司更快、更低成本地開(kāi)發(fā)新藥,ABB正在幫助進(jìn)一步研究疾病預防,創(chuàng )造更健康的社會(huì )。我們在上海張江新建的生命科學(xué)和醫療保健開(kāi)放創(chuàng )新實(shí)驗室補充了我們在休斯頓德克薩斯醫學(xué)中心園區生命科學(xué)和醫療保健實(shí)驗室的工作。”

XtalPi is dedicated to driving intelligent and digital transformation in the life science and new materials in the chemicals industry. In 2022, the AI tech company bought over 100 GoFa cobots to create automated laboratory workstations at its testing facility in Shanghai, China. This year, XtalPi officially launched the automation-centric brand XtalPi Intelligent Automation with the purpose of aiding researchers through automation equipment. Together with ABB Robotics, XtalPi Intelligent Automation is using GoFa cobots to automate the synthesis and crystallization processes involved in developing new drugs and materials for its target industries.

晶泰致力于推動(dòng)生命科學(xué)和化工新材料域的智能化、數字化轉型。2022年,這家人工智能科技公司購買(mǎi)了100多臺GoFa協(xié)作機器人,在其位于中國上海的測試設施中創(chuàng )建自動(dòng)化實(shí)驗室工作站。年,晶泰科技正式推出以自動(dòng)化為核心的品牌晶泰智能自動(dòng)化,旨在通過(guò)自動(dòng)化設備幫助研究人員。晶泰智能自動(dòng)化與ABB機器人合作,使用GoFa協(xié)作機器人實(shí)現為其目標行業(yè)開(kāi)發(fā)新藥物和材料所涉及的合成和結晶過(guò)程的自動(dòng)化。

The automated laboratory workstations can be customized to meet specific requirements, using different modules to complete various experiment steps. ABB’s GoFa cobots take on repetitive, manual tasks, while also working non-s, accelerating the pace of experimentation. The large volumes of high-quality data generated will help to boost the efficiency of the Design-Make-Test-Analyze research cycle and provide a solid foundation for driving AI for science.

自動(dòng)化實(shí)驗室工作站可以定制以滿(mǎn)足特定要求,使用不同的模塊來(lái)完成各種實(shí)驗步驟。 ABB的GoFa協(xié)作機器人承擔重復性手動(dòng)任務(wù),同時(shí)不間斷工作,加快了實(shí)驗速度。生成的大量高質(zhì)量數據將有助于提高設計-制造-測試-分析研究周期的效率,并為推動(dòng)人工智能科學(xué)發(fā)展提供堅實(shí)的基礎。

The GoFa cobots are used by XtalPi Intelligent Automation to develop preparation workstations, diluting and filtration workstations, reaction workstations, UPLC testing workstations, glovebox workstations, sample warehouses and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) to make lab research and development faster and more efficient.


Each automated workstation can perform hundreds of different experiments, with ABB’s GoFa cobots operating in a range of challenging environments, including glove boxes – with no moisture or oxygen– while performing intricate tasks such as opening lids and the placement of lab equipment, liquid handling, sample addition, filtration, dilution, magnetic stirring, rapid sampling and UPLC testing, with minimal supervision required. AMR’s equipped with GoFa cobots transfer samples automatically between workstations, increasing efficiency while further reducing costs.


Equipped with a GoFa cobot and four rotating columns, automated sample warehouses provide compact and efficient storage and retrieval for laboratory reagents, making the process more efficient and entirely traceable.


Chenxi Zhang, Director of Automation Product Management at XtalPi, said “Through partnering with ABB, we can increase efficiency in laboratories by implementing a human-robot integration model. We hope to combine XtalPi’s intelligent software system and industry experience with ABB’s expertise in robotics to bring more innovative solutions to the pharmaceutical industry, which will in turn expand the usage of automation and robots in the R&D process and help automate laboratories.”

晶泰科技自動(dòng)化產(chǎn)品管理總監張晨曦表示:“通過(guò)與ABB合作,我們可以采用人機協(xié)作的模式來(lái)提高實(shí)驗室的效率。我們希望將晶泰的智能軟件系統和行業(yè)經(jīng)驗與ABB在機器人域的業(yè)優(yōu)勢相結合,為制藥行業(yè)帶來(lái)更多創(chuàng )新解決方案,擴大自動(dòng)化和機器人在研發(fā)過(guò)程中的使用,幫助實(shí)驗室邁向自動(dòng)化之旅。

This is ABB Robotics’ latest project in the lab automation market, which is seeing significant growth with a revenue of USD 5.1 billion in 2022 expected to rise to USD 7.1 billion in 2028.



聯(lián)系人:章磊 郵箱:3001664323@qq.com 地址:福建省廈門(mén)市集美區寧海二里


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